
Webinar: Immigrant Workers’ Rights and Finding Work

LA Best Babies Network and the LA County Perinatal and Early Childhood Home Visitation Consortium partnered with Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County for a virtual Immigrant Rights Training webinar series. This webinar series is available to all home visiting staff in L.A. County.

This is part 3 of the series. It was recorded on Wednesday, December 11, 2024.In this webinar, the presenters from the Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County provided an overview of immigrant worker rights and protections in California, which included them covering the employment-related rights that protect all workers regardless of immigration status, and employment benefits that pertain to documented workers. Additionally, they shared how to navigate legal resources and government state agencies to enforce these rights. They shared a referral sheet with information on where immigrant workers can look for work (and a discussion of patterns of employment agencies in immigrant communities that raise red flags).


Webinar: Immigration Legal Framework and Referral Process