Research Shows Home Visiting Works

Home visiting services are free and support families so that they can give their children a strong start. Through mentorship and coaching of trained nurses, parent educators, family support providers, or other early childhood professionals, parents are able to learn new skills to benefit their families. By removing barriers - physically and emotionally - parents and their children can focus on engagement and early learning.

The power of home visiting is in the approach of meeting families where they are. Download the Early Childhood Home Visiting one-pager to learn more about the benefits of utilizing home visiting services.

Download report here.

Mia Hemstad

Mia is a mom of 2, a trauma-informed self-care coach, a speaker, and the creator of No Longer Last, which is a group coaching experience that empowers women to value themselves, advocate for what they wand and need, and live life on their own terms.

Summary of Outcomes