Summary of Outcomes
What Research Proves Home Visiting Impacts: Summary of Outcomes. Download report here.
There is a significant amount of research supporting the link between home visiting and positive long-term outcomes for children, their families, and their communities. These benefits include, but are not limited to:
Improved pregnancy outcomes for pregnant people and babies.
Decreased rates of child abuse and neglect.
Improved intellectual development, especially for low-birthweight babies and those who have failed to thrive.
Reduced childhood accidents (“unintentional injuries”) and hazards in the home, and fewer emergency room visits.
Increased breastfeeding/chestfeeding rates.
Improved parenting skills and home environment.
Stronger parent-child bonding.
Decreases in behavioral problems, including sleep problems.
Improved maternal life course, including enhanced employment, education, and pregnancy spacing.
Better detection and management of postpartum depression; and
Increases in developmental screening.
Particularly in LA County, where more than 150,000 babies are born annually, there is both a great need for and a scarcity of home visitation programs. The Consortium seeks to leverage this unprecedented environment of governmental support and funding for home visitation to strengthen and expand the County’s existing home visitation network.
Updated May 12, 2022