
Webinar: Supporting Immigrant Families: Access to Benefits & Resources Through a Public Charge Lens

LA Best Babies Network and the LA County Perinatal and Early Childhood Home Visitation Consortium partnered with Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County for a virtual Immigrant Rights Training webinar series. This webinar series is available to all home visiting staff in L.A. County.

This is part 1 of the series. It was recorded on Tuesday, November 19, 2024. In this webinar, the presenters provide an overview of major public benefits programs and introduce tools and resources to help determine immigrant eligibility for major public benefits programs in Los Angeles. To reduce unnecessary avoidance of public benefits in the community, they also outlined when using public benefits can lead to a public charge determination and negatively affect someone's future immigration status. They also addressed other myths and barriers immigrants face in navigating public benefits and shared strategies on how to talk to the community about these myths to overcome hesitation in using public benefits.


Webinar: Immigration Legal Framework and Referral Process


Webinar: Domestic Violence Training Series: Domestic Violence and Legal Considerations for the Immigrant Community (Part 3)