Consortium’s 10th Birthday Social Media Toolkit

The Consortium is turning 10 in July! Help us celebrate by utilizing the Consortium’s 10th Birthday Social Media Toolkit.

You can download the toolkit here.

Launched in 2012, the LA County Perinatal and Early Childhood Home Visitation Consortium (the “Consortium”) evolved out of a Perinatal Home Visitation Advisory Committee that had been convened in 2010 by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Programs to provide direction for the LA County home visitation and early childhood agencies as they pursued application for federal funding that had been made available as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Through the ACA, the federal government created the Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visitation (MIECHV) grant program to invest $1.5 billion in quality home visiting programs, and has extended this investment twice since 2010.

Participating agencies in the Advisory Committee recognized the value of and need for a body that could give voice to important issues, advocate on behalf of collective concerns, and work together to develop needed cross‐county data tracking mechanisms and peer resources in support of high quality services.  With the sponsorship of First 5 LA and the co‐leadership of DPH and Los Angeles Best Babies Network, the Consortium was born.

Since 2012, the Consortium has grown into a network of over 60 organizations focused on expanding home visiting services in Los Angeles County. The Consortium has grown not only in the number of member organizations but also in the number of workgroups. A need for population-focused workgroups was identified by the Consortium in 2020. The identification of this need made way for the addition of the pre-existing African American Home Visiting Engagement Workgroup and the creation of the Father Engagement Workgroup. The Consortium is made possible through the generous financial support of First 5 LA and the LA Partnership for Early Childhood Investment. LA Best Babies Network serves as the backbone support organization for the Consortium.


Effects of Climate Change on Pregnancy Infographic


Current (2017-2018) California Legislation that the Consortium Supports*