Current (2017-2018) California Legislation that the Consortium Supports*

AB-11 Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Program: screening services.

AB-992 CalWORKs: Baby Wellness and Family Support Home Visiting Program. 

CalWorks Home Visiting Initiative

*The following Consortium members abstained from this position: LA County Departments of Public Health, Mental Health, and Health Services, LA Unified School District, LA County Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education, SHIELDS for Families, LA Best Babies Network, and Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital Long Beach.

Mia Hemstad

Mia is a mom of 2, a trauma-informed self-care coach, a speaker, and the creator of No Longer Last, which is a group coaching experience that empowers women to value themselves, advocate for what they wand and need, and live life on their own terms.

Consortium’s 10th Birthday Social Media Toolkit


Strengthening Home Visiting in Los Angeles: A Comprehensive Plan to Improve Child, Family, and Community Well-Being